A CLI quiz app built with nodeJS, to check who really knows you.
Live Projects Github RepoAre you a fan of minions? Did you know that the gibberish they say is an actual language. Use the translator to convert your text from English to Minion speak or Banana language.
Live Projects Github RepoThis app takes an emoji as input from user and show the meaning of that input. Also user can click on some prelisted emojis to know about their meaning.
Live Projects Github RepoThis is an website to get recomendation of books from different genres like- Self Help, JavaScript, Marketing etc.
Live Projects Github RepoIt takes bill amount and cash given and then shows minimum nuber of notes to return.
Live Projects Github RepoThe App takes your birthday and a lucky number. Then it calculates wheather the sum of your birthday is divisible by your lucky number, if yes then it shows your Birthday is lucky. Or it shows your birthday is not lucky.
Live Projects Github RepoThis app has 4 different parts- Triangle Checker, Area Calculator, hypotenues calculator and a general triangle quiz.
Live Projects Github RepoThis app will tell you if your Birthday is palimdrome ot not.
Live Projects Github RepoThis app calculates your net profit/loss and profit/loss percentage in Stocks.
Live Projects Github Repo